Remembering Wartime by Christine Weightman

Remembering Wartime by Christine Weightman

Presents the local history, based on interviews with survivors, covering the Ascot camp for internees and POWs, British and American bases at the Race Course, Sunninghill Park and Silwood Park, the extensive evacuation into the area and all aspects of life on the home front.
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Images of England; Around Ascot by Reg Morris P1030107.JPG

Images of England; Around Ascot by Reg Morris

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Extracts From The Past; Ascot by The Durning Library Trust

The Walks near Woking by Bill Andrews Walks near Woking and Maidenhead Instagram.PNG

The Walks near Woking by Bill Andrews

The Walks near Maidenhead by Bill Andrews Walks near Woking and Maidenhead Instagram.PNG

The Walks near Maidenhead by Bill Andrews

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Cheapside in the Forest of Windsor by Christine Weightman
